Labrador Retriever Datenbank
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Es gibt 118 Labradore der Ihren Suchkriterien entsprechen. Hund 1-50 von 118

Name Geschlecht Vater Mutter Farbe Geburtsjahr
Aggi female
Andrea female chocolate
Apernille female PongoBrönd Jugi chocolate 1992
Apernille's Bess female Romlund's Black Bo'SunApernille schwarz 1995
Apernille's Carlos male O'Sofinas Twice As NiceApernille's Bess chocolate 2003
Älflasker Astro Willi male Romlund's Black Bo'SunAggi schwarz 1994
Älflasker Bordeaux female PongoGlosmere Naughty But Nice chocolate
Älflasker Dira female schwarz 1991
Älflasker Dolly female Wanda's Cajus schwarz
Älflasker Juliette female Wanda's Cajus schwarz
Älflasker Matic Maggie female Coco Loco's Porsche gelb
Bakkanette's Hot Hound Daisy female Coco Loco's Some Like it HotMe-Ri's Althea schwarz
Bögegaard's Taison male Serikit chocolate
Bettie female Dunsinane Marquis Posa
Birdsong's Charming Charlie male Pongo schwarz 1993
Black Matic Duke Älflasker male
Brönd John male Palcons Carlos SantanaJoy II chocolate
Brönd Jugi female schwarz
Brond Jumbo male chocolate
Bruka's Coco Chanel female JackkilianPalcon's Calamity Jane schwarz
Bruka's Ebony female Faksemose's TjalfeBruka's Mayday chocolate
Bruka's Mayday female Palcon's Charlie BrownPalcon's Calamity Jane chocolate
Bruka's Nokia C P female Mallorn's DieselElinor schwarz 2005
Bruka's Unbelievable Fraggel male Cloverdale's Brown OxfordLife Key's Excellent Nutella chocolate 2008
Bryndum's Black King Ramos male King Joss From Balrion schwarz
Bryndum's Walzing Matilda female CodyTarnfalke's Maggienoi schwarz 1995
Coco Loco's Double Chocolate male Kroppsmarkens New ConnectionBubbling Tail Spin chocolate
Coco Loco's Marshmallow female Bubbling Just SailingPalcon's P.D. Ocean Calm chocolate 1999
Coco Loco's Porsche male Gallybob QuiggleyBubbling Maya gelb 2000
Dee-Fair Amazing Fame male Sandylands Night FlightAroscas Amazing Miss schwarz 1988
Dee-Fair F. Rosemary Roric female Ballyduff FlintSandylands Repartee gelb 1983
Dee-Fair Flying Marigold Melic female Sandylands Night FlightDee-Fair F. Rosemary Roric gelb 1988
Dee-Fair Hot Rhythm female Dee-Fair Moon Whopper ValueDee-Fair Sweet Special Queen schwarz 1995
Dee-Fair Moon Whopper Value male Jayncourt Star-Quality gelb 1993
Dee-Fair Sweet Sensation Queen female Aroscas Mr. SwedeSelmaflight gelb 1989
Dee-Fair Sweet Special Queen female schwarz 1989
Dee-Fair Whisky Time male Fameflair Hey Ma It's Me WhiskyDee-Fair Hot Rhythm 1999
Dienesmindes Paf male Dorrfield Yellow MaxRamah Raisin 1966
Dienesmindes Sara female Dienesmindes JakobDienesmindes Dimsy schwarz
Dorjeka's Dangerous Boy male Trendmaker's Shades of BalanceBlondella Balanced Shades schwarz 1994
Dunsinane Marquis Posa male
Ertebolles Bernhard male Ertebolles Trunte schwarz 1995
Ertebolles Trunte female Pocklea Tempest of DrakesheadÖbakkens Trine schwarz
Faksemose's Tjalfe male Egeskov's Lord NelsonPalcon's Cote D'Or schwarz 1993
Gilhöj's Black Leiza female
Gilhöj's Braun Hansi male chocolate
Gilhöj's Sorte Zorba male schwarz
Greenbriar Beret female Hatchfield Feargal schwarz 2005
Hera Ulyseth's female Birdsong's Charming CharlieRonja schwarz 1994
Jaegerly F. Queen Elisabeth I female schwarz